When the earth (and all its lemons!) is your main squeeze, that’s what it means to be eco-friendly.
European lemons grown in Spain are the world’s most sustainable lemons for for several reasons:
ECONOMIC SUSTAINABILITY: We distribute value among collaborators and shareholders, considering market conditions, equality, and justice. Also, our sales operations adhere to the Code of Good Business Practices in Food Contracting (CBPCA) published by the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.
ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY: The Spanish lemon industry is working to reduce its use of natural resources and the impact of its production on the environment. Also, Spain’s lemon groves, made up of 9,000,000 trees, occupy 40,000 hectares, allowing us to offset more than 300,000 tons of CO2. That’s equal to the emissions of 140,000 cars traveling 20,000 km for a year! We also consume water responsibly, using 232.4 hm3/year.
SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY: We apply good business practices not only to production, but also to people, promoting quality of life at work, and comprehensive development of all members of the industry, generating more than 20,000 jobs in Spain, of which 50% are held by women.

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