Lemon milk shake, vanilla ice cream and matcha tea

7 minutes


2 people


2 fino or verna lemons
400 ml of milk
300g vanilla ice cream
2 tablespoons of honey
3 tsp matcha tea
1 can of whipped cream
1 lemon to decorate


Finely grate the lemon skin. Remove all the white part with a knife, leaving only the meat of the lemons, set the skin and meat aside, discarding the white part.

In a blender put the skin and meat of the lemons, milk, ice cream, honey and 2 teaspoons of matcha tea. Beat for 30 seconds.

Put the lemon milkshake in glasses or jars, finish by adding whipped cream and decorate with a quarter of a lemon slice and sprinkle a little matcha tea on the surface.

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